Whatsapp Cloud API Numeric transformations Zammad 6.3

We are testing the new WhatsApp feature that comes in version 6.3

The problem is that the messages are received in the international E.164 format and it doesn’t identify the customers’ phone numbers to us.
Because the customer’s phone number is stored in zammad in local format (without country code).

It might be possible to add in the WhatsApp setup wizard, a setting of a country code (or automatic identification), then messages received with this country code will be replaced by 0 instead of a country code.

Thanks for the new feature.

My tests this weekend do not support your claim. Is the user existing already?

My account was fresh though.

In your example, a number is written in an international format +49.

I’m talking about a situation where the number is registered in a local format, in my case it’s 054, and the messages come from the number +97254



I expect that when a message arrives from the number +97254… it will be translated to 0544… according to my country

Sorry for hijacking this @YosefAdPro, but would you be able to update the Hebrew translation at Sign in @ Zammad-Translations please? We can’t do that.

Zammad has no functionality to force phone numbers into a specific format. It technically (basically) does not care in any way regarding the format you provide.

If you want the WhatsApp Channel to store these numbers in a specific format, this would mean a feature request as it’s currently working as designed:

I will open a new post there with this feature request.
Thanks for the response.

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About that I see that the string is translated