Hi there!
What do you think about the possibility that mention, like “@the_other_agent ” and that would trigger a notification for him/her? (use case: asking a question in a private note, while keeping to handle the ticket ourself). That might be really useful to be assisted/collaborate without changing the person assigned to the ticket.
We have several posts and even an issue of this type.
Good Can you point me to the issue? If there’s a way to raise the priority by sponsoring the feature, I’d like too (and some other features).
February 17, 2021, 7:51am
No harsh intentions but: please consider the search function in this community.
By looking for “mention agent” you would’ve found these posts:
Today I might have rather good news.
This post is one of two that gives the community the possibility to support Zammad with a contribution for a new feature.
As the title suggests, we want to implement a new feature that allows agents to be customer in groups they don’t have access to (but might have tickets). The development of this itself is quite expensive, this is why we’d like to split it to smaller amounts to make it more attractive.
Basic points
Before going all fry, here’s some info…
Dear Zammad Community, it would be nice to be able to refer to other agents in the notes of a ticket. So e.g. with an @Agent. Then a selection list of possible agents should appear, from which one or more agents can be selected. The assigned agents should then receive a message that the ticket contains information for them. I’ve seen this in a few other systems. Is that already possible? If yes how? Thanks and regards,
It would be great to add the possibility to assign a ticket to more than one user.
We are using the system for our IT. Our IT team have some products to support. For example two of use have to handle all hardware support. Another two are supporting the whole software.
So we have one role for our IT. Sometimes we get tickets which apply two or three agents (from the IT).
So it would be a nice feature to assign a ticket to more than one agent.
Another idea would be to mention an agent (like tw…
The first post is everything you’re looking for.
Thanks (I wasn’t sure about the term to use to search).
What about sponsoring the feature? Do you have an estimate amount needed to make it real and in priority?
I’ll leave this here
opened 11:40AM - 12 Oct 16 UTC
closed 09:00AM - 16 Mar 21 UTC
Ich lese ein Ticket und habe eine Rückfrage an einen anderen Agenten:
![scree… nshot_20161012_133459](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/210874/19308603/bd912cea-9080-11e6-8f83-c63add940725.png)
Diese Schreibweise "@nutzername" verwenden wir sehr oft, obwohl Zammad damit nichts macht. Offenbar wünschen sich die Nutzer sowas häufiger. Aktuell kann ich als Eigentümer das Ticket jetzt an den weiter geben, dem ich die Frage gestellt habe. Dann verliere ich es aber aus den Augen. Oder ich muss den Empfänger der Rückfrage auf anderem Wege (Mail, Telefon) auf die Frage aufmerksam machen. Wie würdet Ihr das lösen?
* T#1068412, #1078721, #1078020
Don’t get me wrong, you’re too late.
So it’s fully funded? No worries, I have other features/ideas
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April 9, 2022, 10:53pm
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