Migration from osticket

Hi Community,

does anyone have experience with migrating from Osticket to Zammad Community Edition?
A long time ago I saw that the migrator should be able to do that. However, the feature has apparently been removed.

I could also use this as well.

Is there any updates on this?

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One year ago, there was a possibility to do that with the migrator. I’m curious if anyone knows a solution…

There never was an option to migrate osTicket. I don’t know where you source that information from, but there definitely was none.

There’s no option to migrate (except for doing it manually via API on your own) from osTicket to Zammad.

If you believe this is a missing function, consider creating a feature request here:

Thank you for your reply. If you say it, it will probably be true. Maybe I’m confusing this with the “Zammad in comparison” pages.
Such a feature will be fine.
Maybe there is one in the community that can offer this?

Hi Aquilaxx,

I have written two scripts for this, a SQL script that exports the tickets into an export.csv and a Python script that generates ticket via API from the export.csv into Zammad. With a mapping of Owner, Groups.

What version of OS Ticket do you have? Our version is v1.9.11, I think newer versions already have an API access, so you can do the first script via API. But I need to do this via SQL because of the old version of OSTicket.

I will make a GitHub Repro with these two scripts next week so you can try if it works for you. Actually it’s not finished. I have to optimize small thinks, but you can have a try so far.

A little negative thing is that the body is not formatted anymore, but that is ok in our case. But this is actually ok for us.

We also export / import only open tickets. How much tickets do you have to migrate?



Hi Hashfunktion,

we currently have osTicket 1.18. :slight_smile: and about 6500 Tickets to migrate. For sure also the closed Tickets for archive reasons. The big problem might be the attachments in the tickets. The attachments are in the file system. We also have individual fields that might be all a horrific topic… :frowning:


so i think my script dose not fit in your situation completely.
It only takes the Ticket with Titel, Body, Group and Owner. Attetchments schlould going but we don´t have this implemented yet in the Script.

Did you get around to publish your Scripts? I am considering moving from osticket to Zammad and I would really like to take tickets with me…

I have finalized the script for my effort and we migrate the system. I’m currently in Holliday I will have a look if I can upload the scripts in the evening when I’m back from beach :smile:.

Hi hashfunktion,

I’m also interested.
I would really appreciate it if you could share them :blush:

So i´m back from Hollidays now.

Here is the Repo: GitHub - hashfunktion/osTicket-to-Zammad: For the migration of an old osTicket without API to Zammad.

I have write a little bit to that and hope it´s clear how I have made it. Feel free to ask :slight_smile:

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Thankyou hashfunktion!

I’ll try soon your the import scripts.