Option to reset the LDAP user after the maximum number of failed logins Admin UI

  • Used Zammad version: 2.5
  • Used Zammad installation source: DEB
  • Operating system: Debian 9 64bit
  • Browser + version: Firefox 61

Expected behavior: unlock user (ldap user)after to many failed logins

Actual behavior: no options finded

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • After too many failed logins, zammad locks the user login
  • and then I did not find an option to unblock user logon by an LDAP user

Ciao Norman

Right now you have to do that by command line but I know that @dvnkln did an enhancement request on that.
Endusers ofter use the wrong (old) password after they were force to changed their password in ldap (AD).

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Thank´s, gwingend.
i think that the methode over SQL is ok for me.

This is just my personal thought:

In my opinion, the LDAP-Server should handle unlocking it’s users by policy.
Microsoft Active Directory can do that by policy for example.

Not sure for LDAP itself, but this should really controlled by LDAP itself.

Don’t know how that should work though.
The lock is zammad internal only - the AD user f. e. is not locked at all.

I see, my bad - sorry about that. Let me talk to the Devs then.

Currently the lock is only removed, if you remove it by shell or if the admin in the admin panel does reset the password of the user. Currently no other way is implemented.

I’ll change this to a Feature request. The community is free to vote for this Feature - that way we’ll be able to determine how important this feature is to everyone.


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Zammad 5.0 introduced the option to unlock locked user accounts directly in Zammads UI. Since that moment failed LDAP logins also no longer count towards to failed logins to allow the LDAP server to do it’s part and also not lock out Zammad accounts permanently which required admin interaction.

See Major Release: Zammad 5.0