List all tickets of a user


  • Used Zammad version: 6.2.0-1704877727.2bda00c4.bookworm
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: debian
  • Browser + version: any

Expected behavior:

  • list ALL tickets that a user has created

Actual behavior:

  • lists only 50 or 100, not more

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

is there a way to list every one?

Hello Hekuran,

Look at this ticket:

this seems like a workaround.

i dont want to do this in search, because it would impact the performance.
how can i do it in the “users profile”:

i think doing it there would make more sense. but if it cant be done, then i guess ill have to change the limit in search.

EDIT: In the meanwhile i did the suggestion, but it had no effect. i think ill have to restart some services right? or anything else?
EDIT2: i restarted the zammad service but it had no effect at all, i even restarted the vm and it had no effect at all. it just shows 50, even though i told it 200.
EDIT3: i have updated zammad to version 6.3.1-1722948970.e504ff79.bookworm but it still shows only 50 results even though i edited the file like they suggested…

As of now Zammad is hard limited to 50 search results. Less yes, but not more. This will change in the new tech stack which is coming when it’s ready.

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Well i saw a lot of github issues/PRs that editing /opt/zammad/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ gave them 200 successfully easily…
So, you mean, as of right now that cant be achieved anymore? Its not a fix anymore?

I am not going to encourage editing source code files of Zammad, sorry.
If you’re changing files, you’ll need zammad run rake assets:precompile and thus node though.

ohhhhh i thought its just a config type of thing. nah i am not going to recompile it…
but trust me it is very important to see all tickets, based on our WFM department. So i really hope you guys do this, and really fast…the paging option seemed very nice and efficient…

Trust me, nobody is going through 2000+ search results. If they do, they have a lot of time or don’t know what they’re looking for. But that’s my opinion.

In the mean time you can use advanced search commands to boil down what you’re looking for.