Knowledge Base Add identifiers to answers in order to find them faster

Hi there

I am continuing our wish list for the knowledge base :wink:

As we are working with at least 3 languages in our public knowledge base entries it would help us enormously in our daily workflow if there would be a possibility to add “identifiers” to knowledge base entries / categories in order to find them faster.

Having identifiers would also allow us to “group” (similar to the text modules) rather than to “know” the title of kb entry.

Currently an agent has to “know” the title / contents of the answer in the desired language otherwise the ?? search does not return anything. Eg. ??Kamera does not return the same contents as ??Camera. (Other example Software in DE / ENG but Logiciel in french :grinning:)

But if the agent knows that “a22” is the “right” answer he could quickly enter ??a22 and the choose the prober language.

I just figured that there is already an identifier present with the KB-ID. so there might be an easy way round without creating a new field but rather “improve” the grouping / handling of ?? suggestions (letting the agent select the language to insert if there are translations)

Other helpful improvements:

Best Regards

Aren’t tags what you are looking for? When you add a tag to a KB answer, you can search for ??tag and it will offer all languages of that article.