Extend period to auto-merge Tickets with same subject and sender

Title: I would like to Auto-merge Tickets with same subject + sender
See also Merge tickets automatically - #2 by sinichi19

What is the idea or pain point:

  • describe what is the problem you like to solve?
    For example when we communicate with the ticketing system of another company and get replies into Zammad, a new ticket is created for each reply.
  • why is it not solvable with Zammad standard?
    Apparently the feature of merging same-subject and same-sender already exists but with a hardcoded threshold of 24h. Maybe the ability to edit that threshold would be enough?

Expectation (not solution):

  • Not have a new ticket for each message in a continuous thread

edited to include template

Is it correct that the ability to edit the treshold of 24h would be the solution for you?
If yes, how detailed would that editing function need to be (Minutes,hours,months,years)?

I think that would solve it indeed, I would say allow it to be edited either in hours and allow arbitrarily high numbers or in days and allow fractions. Nothing too fancy :slight_smile:

Hey, any updates on this?
This is causing us a lot of unnecessary extra work…