<Redacted BOT ID>/setWebhook?url=https://<Redacted URL>/api/v1/channels_telegram_webhook/<Redacted random 10 digit number>?bid=<Redacted BOT ID>
And it registered the webhook in Telegram but this obviously does not register the bot in Zammad so it doesn’t completely work. This gave me confidence that the instance URL / FQDN was good so am not sure where its going wrong.
I found out that the channels_telegram_webhook seems to be treated as some markup and it is translated to channels<u>telegram</u>webhook. Searching through the forum I found this Is the markup interpretation in overview names intentional?
But could not find how to avoid the markup. Does anyone know?
I’m sure there is a way to escape it but I cannot for the life of me find the place where it is marking up the strings. Hoping someone will point me to the place, more than happy to push a contribution once I get this info.