StatusCode: 500

  • Used Zammad version: 3.2.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) Official version
  • Operating system: CENTos
  • Browser + version: Firefox newest

Expected behavior:

  • Error away.

Actual behavior:

If a User create’s a Ticket, i get the following error:

  • image

But the Ticket, is still created. Is there a Option, to disable the Errorcodes?
I don’t need an Email Account, im fine with Notifications.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Created a new Role, where everything works well - except - the error…

regrads Enrike.

This technically is a duplicate post like *help* Just e-Mail Notifications needed

Please do not push your issues with several threads.
This wastes time for people trying to help, as they have to work on those topic twice.
