September 28, 2023, 5:59am
Used Zammad version: 6.1
Used Zammad installation type: (package,)
Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04
Browser + version: Edge, Firefox u. Chrome latest.
Hello all,
Articles are cut from indeterminate lines,
sometimes there is a fading line between them, sometimes not.
I think they should be cut from the signature, but we can’t see what criteria this section comes from. Sometimes right after salutation article is cut off.
This was once implemented here:
committed 05:28PM - 30 Jan 17 UTC
Can you tell me according to what criteria and conditions this article section is applied ?
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
i,m looking to be able to reproduce them.
Zammad tries to detect the begin of the signature of the email.
Usually for example --
would be such an indicator. This is not always spot on.
November 8, 2023, 7:11am
This is exactly what I have inserted. But unfortunately it doesn’t work reliably.
Article breaks off arbitrarily from the middle or beginning of the article, although there are still many lines to signature indicator.
I can’t figure out how this happens.
1 Like
I wrote it here too. You can see in my animation that the text is cutted.
opened 06:40PM - 09 Oct 23 UTC
waiting for feedback
needs verification
### Used Zammad Version
### Environment
- Ins… tallation method: package
- Operating system (if you're unsure: `cat /etc/os-release` ): ubuntu 20.04
- Database + version: postgresql
- Elasticsearch version: 7.17
- Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 117
### Actual behaviour
In some mail tickets the preview of the mail is very small. I can click on "Mehr anzeigen" and I can the all os the content.
If I don't click on the link "Mehr anzeigen" and change the title the content moves to the top out of my viewport. I cant open the ticket anymore an can't read the text. I need to refresh the page to see the ticket (see animation please)

I added the raw mail from zammad here for easier find the problem
### Expected behaviour
See more from the text by default and if I change the title the text shouldn't move to top out of the view of an agent.
### Steps to reproduce the behaviour
Change title and hit the TAB key on your keyboard. It is only on mail tickets with the small height.
### Support Ticket
_No response_
### I'm sure this is a bug and no feature request or a general question.
My two reports are in state „needs verification“ since 1 month so I think the team will be check that.
November 10, 2023, 11:41am
this is rather a different Isseu,
what I am describing is similar to this one:
opened 07:17AM - 18 Feb 21 UTC
prioritised by payment
specification required
Hi there - thanks for filing an issue. Please ensure the following things … before creating an issue - thank you! 🤓
Since november 15th we handle all requests, except real bugs, at our community board.
Full explanation: https://community.zammad.org/t/major-change-regarding-github-issues-community-board/21
Please post:
- Feature requests
- Development questions
- Technical questions
on the board -> https://community.zammad.org !
If you think you hit a bug, please continue:
- Search existing issues and the CHANGELOG.md for your issue - there might be a solution already
- Make sure to use the latest version of Zammad if possible
- Add the `log/production.log` file from your system. Attention: Make sure no confidential data is in it!
- Please write the issue in english
- Don't remove the template - otherwise we will close the issue without further comments
- Ask questions about Zammad configuration and usage at our mailinglist. See: https://zammad.org/participate
Note: We always do our best. Unfortunately, sometimes there are too many requests and we can't handle everything at once. If you want to prioritize/escalate your issue, you can do so by means of a support contract (see https://zammad.com/pricing#selfhosted).
* The upper textblock will be removed automatically when you submit your issue *
### Infos:
* Used Zammad version: 3.6
* Installation method (source, package, ..): source
* Operating system: Ubuntu
* Database + version: n/a
* Elasticsearch version: n/a
* Browser + version: n/a
* Support Ticket
#10132874, #10136274, #10145369, #10149805
### Expected behavior:
* A customer sends a message. Zammad shows all the crucial details of the message to the agent.
### Actual behavior:
* The “read more” feature kicks in at absolutely arbitrary places. From “scroll two screens wide” to “cut off sentence 2 in a two-sentence mail” we observed all kinds of behaviours.
* This led to all of us missing critical details in some tickets.
### Steps to reproduce the behavior:
* Actually, we have no idea, what Zammad’s algorithm here is.
### Suggested improvements:
* make the “read more” feature more intelligent: Cut off mails at the universally accepted `--` separator, not mid-message. Cut off the greating at the top of the mail, if it is a common phrase.
* auto-collapse quotes in mails and make them expandable one by one. This might make cutting off mails often unnecessary at all.
* change the “read more” button to be much more visible, when the cut-off algorithm determined a cut mid-message (compared to just cutting off the mail footer).
* make the section, that is cut off, more visible, i.e., with a mark in the margin or some rulers or boxes. The current one-line fade to white followed by a small blue text is way too easy to miss.
Yes I'm sure this is a bug and no feature request or a general question.
That’s true, but it’s also visible in the animation at the time. The text actually continues and is cut off too early. But your linked issue is correct!
November 12, 2023, 10:50am
Because we are talking about outgoing emails, I think it should be possible to recognize the beginning of the signature - that is called from the email channel - without body delimiters.
It should actually work reliably, because there are always users who think the article has ended here and no longer click on “Show more”.
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November 6, 2024, 10:50am
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