Notify customer when new activity on the ticket

Zammad 6.4 on Oracle Linux 9.
Dedicated VM
Office 365

Trying to make sure customers are aware of the activities on their tickets. Using triggers to notify the customers, but nothing seems to work.

Our workflow:

  • Customers enter tickets. Agents and customer get notifications via e-mail.
  • Agents open ticket and change the status from new to open | in progress | etc
  • Customers get no notifications
  • Agent continues to update the ticket with notes
  • Customers get no notifications
  • Ticket is placed into pending close
  • Customers get no notifications

We configured our office 365 helpdesk account as the outgoing sender. We know it works

We added a trigger with the following conditions and custom Title and Body of the message. Customers get no emails.


did you set up your notification email correctly? Do the agents receive an email when the ticket is created and updated?

One thing is the Email Channel, one thing is the account for system notifications

Let me know if that helps

Hi Antonio,

Yes, the agents get their updates as they are assigned to the ticket. Right now we have the following working as expected.

New ticket created (online with login) by customer.
All agents get a notification via email
Once agent becomes the owner and posts any updates, customers do not get any emails
As soon as customer posts, owner of the ticket (the agent) is getting an email

So, for now everything works except notifications to the customers when there is an update to the ticket.

Important to mention, we are not allowing customers to reply via email. They have to login, read the messages and post via browser.


Try to switch Action to is updated, which works for us in our setup.

Additionally, in your case the email will only go out when a public note is written by an Agent but not if the status is changed.

This is somewhat not intuitive. Setting up an outgoing email and getting some messages leads to conclusion that everything is configured properly.

Apparently NO. One must configure Microsoft 365 or some other option to deliver messages to the customers. It is understood that it provides an advantage to maintain contact with a customer via e-mail an reduce communication via portal, however it needs to be better designed in Zammad itself.

We managed for it to work through triggers now. Thanks for input.

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