Merging Tickets fails in 3.5

  • Used Zammad version: 3.5 (latest)
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) Package
  • Operating system: Centos 8
  • Browser + version: Brave/Chrome

When trying to merge a ticket, I receive the following error.

I, [2020-09-30T19:58:14.904509 #1234437-47165319347560]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/ticket_related/524?_=1601479650039" for at 2020-09-30 19:58:14 +0200
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:14.914041 #1234437-47165319347560]  INFO -- : Processing by TicketsController#ticket_related as JSON
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:14.914177 #1234437-47165319347560]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1601479650039", "ticket_id"=>"524"}
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:14.979684 #1234437-47165319347560]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 65ms (Views: 4.6ms | ActiveRecord: 14.6ms)
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:21.066404 #1234437-47165319347980]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/ticket_merge/524/195238?_=1601479650040" for at 2020-09-30 19:58:21 +0200
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:21.074813 #1234437-47165319347980]  INFO -- : Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:21.074911 #1234437-47165319347980]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1601479650040", "a"=>"api/v1/ticket_merge/524/195238"}
E, [2020-09-30T19:58:21.081509 #1234437-47165319347980] ERROR -- : No route matches [GET] /api/v1/ticket_merge/524/195238 (ActionController::RoutingError)
I, [2020-09-30T19:58:21.083820 #1234437-47165319347980]  INFO -- : Completed 404 Not Found in 9ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)

We are experiencing the same problem. But don’t have a clue to resolve yet.

Not sure if it could relate to our other problem:

This may only be due to Zammad running on Centos 8 maybe?

Our Zammad instance is running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so I’m not sure the OS plays a part in this.

This is the reason:

(as mentioned on technical notes and advisories here: )

Solution: Cleanly reload the webapp - ensure your browser doesn’t cache the old endpoint versions from Zamamd 3.4.

Thanks, I skipped over this as we don’t use the API for anything external.

Ive cleared my cache, tried this in incogneto mode, same issue…

If you still have get requests for the merging, you still have caching issues.
You can double tap and try to install the latest stable, maybe it’s a follow up issue.

Ok, 3.4 worked, only moving to 3.5 caused this issue to start… I have cleared out my cache, relogged in etc, no change.

Updated to latest Centos 3.5 package (Centos8), and tried different browsers etc.


Still getting the below…

I, [2020-10-22T09:07:32.846202 #1927530-47343697173480]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/ticket_merge/545/194405?_=1603350370209" for at 2020-10-22 09:07:32 +0200
I, [2020-10-22T09:07:32.854020 #1927530-47343697173480]  INFO -- : Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON
I, [2020-10-22T09:07:32.854145 #1927530-47343697173480]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1603350370209", "a"=>"api/v1/ticket_merge/545/194405"}
E, [2020-10-22T09:07:32.859754 #1927530-47343697173480] ERROR -- : No route matches [GET] /api/v1/ticket_merge/545/194405 (ActionController::RoutingError)

Will keep trying

I reverted back to 3.4.x and merging is working again.

As I already said: Said endpoints do change with Zammad 3.5.
I can’t reproduce this issue and thus can’t help further, I’m sorry.

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