Long loading times when viewing E-Mail Tickets with 100 Mails


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Server: Ubuntu 20.04 / Client: Windows 10
  • Browser + version: Firefox 103.0.1

Host CPU: AMD EPYC 7532 32-Core Processor
VM: 2 vCPU cores
Memcached with 1 GB
Agent: 1
PostgreSQL 12

Expected behavior:

  • Open large E-Mail tickets fast

Actual behavior:

  • Long loading times when viewing E-Mail Tickets with 100 Mails

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Happens when opening a ticket with 100 mails

Further info:


I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.733773 #59004-2209160]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/tickets/121?all=true&_=1659613464536" for at 2022-08-04 13:49:29 +0200
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.740128 #59004-2208940]  INFO -- : Processing by TaskbarController#create as JSON
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.740225 #59004-2208940]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"key"=>"Ticket-121", "client_id"=>123, "callback"=>"TicketZoom", "params"=>{"ticket_id"=>"121", "shown"=>true}, "prio"=>3, "notify"=>false, "active"=>true, "id"=>"c
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.742805 #59004-2209160]  INFO -- : Processing by TicketsController#show as JSON
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.742894 #59004-2209160]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"all"=>"true", "_"=>"1659613464536", "id"=>"121"}
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:29.779288 #59004-2208940]  INFO -- : Completed 201 Created in 39ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 14.4ms | Allocations: 15412)
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:31.737379 #59004-2210240]  INFO -- : Started PUT "/api/v1/taskbar/1679" for at 2022-08-04 13:49:31 +0200
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:31.758999 #59004-2210240]  INFO -- : Processing by TaskbarController#update as JSON
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:31.759111 #59004-2210240]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"key"=>"Search", "client_id"=>"123", "callback"=>"Search", "state"=>{}, "params"=>{"query"=>"121", "shown"=>true}, "prio"=>2, "notify"=>false, "active"=>false, "att
achments"=>[], "updated_at"=>"2022-08-04T11:49:20.317Z", "id"=>"1679"}
I, [2022-08-04T13:49:32.419490 #59004-2210240]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 396ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 372.5ms | Allocations: 79427)
I, [2022-08-04T13:50:11.267255 #59004-2209160]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 41521ms (Views: 3392.1ms | ActiveRecord: 129.7ms | Allocations: 7215760)

vmstat shows that 1 processor core is 100% utilized. No io or iowait. Approx. 1.5 GB RAM is free.

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache     si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  0      0 1540140 591676 2951560    0    0     0     8  291  493  1  0 99  0  0
 1  0      0 1540448 591676 2951560    0    0     0    40  588  961 35  1 64  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  480  412 50  1 49  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0    40  522  604 50  0 49  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     8  453  398 50  1 49  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  480  393 51  0 50  0  0
 2  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  490  432 50  1 50  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  512  502 50  1 50  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  491  429 50  0 50  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0    24  498  437 50  1 50  0  0
 1  0      0 1540464 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  490  432 50  0 49  0  0
 1  0      0 1540432 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  501  443 50  1 50  0  0
 1  0      0 1540432 591676 2951560    0    0     0     0  485  422 51  0 49  0  0

The web browser immediately displays the ticket as soon as the ruby rails process finishes after more than 40 seconds.

See attachment “browser dev console”:

We tried setting WEB_CONCURRENCY and ZAMMAD_SESSION_JOBS_CONCURRENT to 2 to see if ruby/rails would then use both CPU cores. But it stayed with one CPU core.

We do not see any problems in the PostgreSQL log.

zammad run rails r “p Delayed::Job.last”: nil
zammad run rails r “p Delayed::Job.count”: 0
zammad run rails r “p Delayed::Job.first”: nil

Is there a setting that the ruby/rails process uses more than one CPU core? Is this even possible or does it have to run on a single CPU core?

Is there a feature planned for the ticket view with the option to show only the last email? The other mails are only displayed as a list (sender, subject, date…) and these are only loaded on click.

Related: Big Ticket needs to load over 30 sec

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A ticket with 100 articles, even if they’re fairly small without a lot of images will always take fairly long to load. The reason for that is not Zammad and it’s server but mainly browsers. 100 article add a lot of HTML structure to the content which most browsers don’t like at all. This makes them go laggy.

Thanks for the reply.

Is there a feature planned for the ticket view with the option to show only the last article/email? The other articles/mails are only displayed as a list (sender, subject, date…) and these are only loaded on click.

Would such a feature even be considered?

1 Like

I can’t provide any information on planned functions / roadmaps.

If that’s something of interest, the best idea is always to make sure there isn’t already a feature request, and if there is, heart it, and if there isn’t make one.

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