How to install a specific version of Zammad using package managers

Is it possible to install a specific version of Zammad using package managers (like apt)?
Thank you

This might be helpful:

You can use this to follow the upgrade path to upgrade your Zammad installation.

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Since you’re using apt you’re probably also using the packaged version via

Example using debian 11 as OS:
To install the latest stable you should have a list containing this repo:
deb 11 main

To specifically install 5.1 instead your list would look like this:
deb 11 main

You can see all available repos including their supported distros here:

There’s a dropdown on top.

Please follow the official documentation to add the repo etc. The example given should help you with specifying the version though.


p.s.: @Stubenhocker is still correct for specific version inside a given repo. I just added my answer in case you’re talking about “big” version jumps not builds inside a minor release.

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