Feature: Allow searching for ticket title in Link dialogue (instead of only ticket #)

Having implemented zammad in our organization lately, I think from a usability point of view, the “link ticket pop-up” would benefit from the ability of searching for a ticket title instead of human-unfriendly ticket number:

  • status now: link to ticket #
    (only a handful of last tickets are shown)
    the agent can now enter a ticket number to link to
  • desired status: enter ticket number OR search for ticket title and click the result to link it

I’d like to get my hands dirty on this but I’d at least need a starting point. Beforehand, let’s make sure I’m not just missing anything and this is already implemented.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-04 um 18.39.46


The same applies to the “merge” dialogue. IMHO there it would be even more helpful, as a link can be reverted, while a merge basically can’t be undone, so it is more critical to get the right ticket


I think, it is the same dialogue used

Or at least, not only “last user tickets” are shown, but also “last organization tickets”, that would help us a lot and save a lot of searching.


Yes, that would be a big plus!

As a workaround, I noticed that it is possible to open the link / merge dialogue, then just jump back to the desired ticket (you want to merge with), copy the ticket # from there and switch back to your current ticket.
The link/merge dialogue will stay open. Then you can paste your ticket numer and link / merge.

Not as intuitive as it should be, but at least it saves the work of handling mutiple tabs etc.

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I know that workaround, this is exactly what we’re doing.
The forward/backward Browser Function saves a lot of time with Zammad.

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