Email does not send the task to zammad but receives it


  • Used Zammad version: version 4.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source)
  • Browser + version: any

hello guys,
I’m using Zammad version 4.0.x and I was working on creating more groups and new roles for zammad, after a few hours working on it my email device through zammad is not working, I try to send an email to generate a ticket but the email receives but don’t send it to zammad, I’ve tried all possible solutions.

sorry for my english i’m still learning and training

There isn’t enough information in your post to really know what is wrong yet, so here are some rapid fire suggestions.

I would recommend reviewing this documentation:

Email — Zammad documentation

I would also recommend upgrading your Zammad instance to the latest available release. Zammad 4.0 is over a year out of date and you’re missing many security updates and improvements.

News, Updates, Releases | Zammad

Updating Zammad — Zammad documentation

Lastly if you’re using Microsoft Office 365 email, you may want to review this thread, as you may be experiencing the same issue

Problem with Office365


Please. For the sake of your and your users security upgrade asap to a stable 5.3.
Zammad 4.0 is terribly old and outdated.

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