Hi Community !
Just a bit lost in my Brain
Iwant to create the same overview but for different group.
Example : SHOW Ticket from group “XXX” and not assigned and state OPEN.
So this is esay if i create 1 overview per group. BUT, i want to create only one overview.
That can be easy if we have a condition like that : Groupe is " My actual group" but nop :/.
Do you have a tips to do that ?
That’s not possible.
However: Zammads overviews only show tickets the agent actually has access to.
That means if you don’t provide a group limitation at all, the agent will see any ticket that fits their permissions.
Hi, any way to get a filter for overviews aka User.Groups contains | notcontains Ticket.Group ?
Would also possibly solve the problem, when user is agent & customer at the same time to have the possibilty to distinct between “owner tickets” and “customer tickets”.
Customer interface for agents - Technical assistance - Zammad - Community
Overviews allow to check if the current user is the owner and/or customer of a ticket. No matter if it belongs to a specific group or not. Just have a look at the configuration options, please.