Core Workflows | Add "current user" to customer action

Hey there,

it would be neat if the Core Workflows could pre-fill the customer field with something like <current user>.

Currently you’re only able to fill out some free-text form so can’t set you’re workflow to something dynamic:

Triggers are already able to do that so we’d just need that functionality inside the workflows too:

This is especially useful if you want to give agents from different groups an authentic “customer-experience” when creating tickets for other groups. Until now you’re still able to freely choose the customer but with that new feature you could use workflows to change that.



I think this would be useful for the “Owner” action too. I want to create a workflow that automatically selects the agent as the owner for a newly created ticket.

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This is possible with Zammads Core Workflows. I can’t tell exactly with which version so I’ll say 6.0. Might be available somewhere in 5.1 to 5.4 already though.

Also applies to the addition of Martin von Wittich regarding the owner attribute.