Allow only Agent to Re-open the Ticket (Follow Up Possible)

Please add to the selection of the FOLLOW UP POSSIBLE in the Group
that only AGENT can Re-open/follow-up the Ticket.

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Ummm… we already have that option…?

Sir, my request is Agent can re open/follow up tje ticket…because when i used the settings you mentioned is even the agent cant re open the closed ticket… my request is only customer is the one cant re open the ticket… thank you

I’ve also just noticed this. IMO it’s very useful to set “follow up possible” to “do not reopen ticket but create new ticket” because some customers tend to reply to our old answers (sometimes even from years ago) with a completey different topic, and would thereby accidentally reopen ancient tickets.

But when you configure it that way, even agents are no longer allowed to re-open a ticket. This is a problem when you accidentally close a ticket (e.g. by hitting “close and tag as spam”) because then you can’t undo that. I would even argue that a third option “only agent can reopen the ticket” isn’t necessary; this should just be the default.


I’ve submitted a merge request:


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