Add possibility to link groups to specific knowledge-base languages

We are currently working with 5 different knowledge-base languages. Everytime an agent likes to include an KB-article to a email in zammad, the selection of the right (language) KB-article is getting really difficult.
As this would be helpful for all zammad users, i suggest to add a option to link the KB-languages to specific groups.

For example:

If an agent likes to import an KB-article in the group:

  • Support Germany → Linked to Knowledge base (german language)
  • Support Italy → Linked to Knowledgbe base (italian language)

It could be realized by adding an multiple-choice field in the “group settings” menu, that is displaying all existent knowledge-base languages.



I also wanted to add if it would be possible to filter languages when trying to search the KB with ??

Some search terms are similar in different languages and we get far too many results in all languages when we are only searching for ie. English

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