Zendesk import fails during migration

Hello everyone,

we have an issue with an Zammad Instance. During the Migration from an Zendesk System, occures the Message, that the Name attribute is not editable (see ScreenShot)


  • Used Zammad version:
  • Used Zammad installation type: docker-compose
  • Operating system: Debian 12
  • Browser + version: MS Edge v118.0.2088.69 / Chrome v118.0.5993

Actual behavior:


Any ideas why this cloud happen or an hint, if an preperation Step was missing?

We are open for any sugestions :slight_smile:


Could you check, if you have a custom field with the “name” tags?


no - there is no custom Field with the Title “name” or “tags”.

Maybe you could check the API-Call


Hi again, issue has been solved. In Zendesk was an Filter over the Custom fileds, which hide the inactive fileds.

Now the migration was successfully.

Thx again for the hint and have a nice day.

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