- Used Zammad version: 5.4
- Used Zammad installation type: package
- Operating system: Debian 11
- Browser + version: Chrome, newest
I have set up a new server to do some testing and development. I am working with an auto_wizard.json file to load the application with a set of predefined values.
I want to use the Rake
task as described here:
systemctl stop zammad
zammad run rails zammad:bootstrap:reset
But it doesn’t let me create the DB.
root@zammad:/opt/zammad/config# DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 zammad run rails zammad:bootstrap:reset
Dropped database 'zammad_production'
PG::InsufficientPrivilege: FEHLER: keine Berechtigung, um Datenbank zu erzeugen
Couldn't create 'zammad_production' database. Please check your configuration.
rails aborted!
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InsufficientPrivilege: FEHLER: keine Berechtigung, um Datenbank zu erzeugen
I have tried this with the users root and zammad. Both get the same response. I have also tried the postgresql user but then I receive this response:
Error: You must be executing as the user 'zammad' or with root privileges to launch commands.
Either log in as 'zammad', root, use sudo, or add sudo privileges for running zammad with your current user.
I have used sudo, added zammad to the sudoers file, but nothing helped. Does it need any special developement environment variable? Or why can’t I create the DB?
Many thanks for the help!
PS. I have tried some tricks and tips to similar issues found in the forum but so far had no luck.