We have 60k tickets, most of them are closed. We have noticed, that over the time, zammad got slower and slower. It’s not that bad (Creating a tickets takes a few seconds) but, most things have gotten somewhat slow. Loading overviews is sometimes taking up to 30 seconds.
The server has 8 GiB RAM and is using 5.7GiB. It also uses 30% of its 4 cpu-cores (2,1GHz).
Should we delete old Tickets or is there some configfiles we can change?
Hey, thanks for the replies. A colleague had the idea, to migrate the vm-storage from a sata-ssd-storage to an nvme-storage, which we are testing right now.
Too many people hopefully won’t be a problem, since we only have 10 agents and we haven’t enabled the login for customers.
We have 60 agents at the same time on our instance with 140.000 tickets (most are closed) and no problems after adjust the parameters.
Our setup: 6 CPU cores, 16 GB RAM on SSD Storage
I still suspect a faulty database configuration as OP described it comes over time. Ramping up the performance tunings will worsen the situation should I be correct.