Zammad removes Ticket Hook from other Ticketsystems


  • Used Zammad version: 3.4.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: (package)
  • Operating system: Debian 10
  • Browser + version: Chrome 85

When sending mails between Zammad and OTRS, Zammad removes the OTRS Ticket ID and so everytime a new OTRS Ticket is created.

OTRS Ticket Hook Ticket#0000000
Zammad Ticket Hook HRTicket#000000

Is it possible to change Zammads behaviour so the Ticket Hook from other systems is not removed?

I have never, ever seen a Zammad system remove subjects.
Ensure that the subject is correct (like you expect it) before Zammad did it’s magic.

If the ticket number from the other system comes with a second article and wasn’t there in the first place, then this is perfectly normal. The ticket title decides how the subject looks by default.

More input on that topic can be found here:

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