Zammad installlation is not successful on Rocky Linux 8

  • Used Zammad version: Latest
  • Used Zammad installation type: Package
  • Operating system: Rocky Linux 8
  • Browser + version: Chrome Latest.

Expected behavior:

Should see the home page on browser, but not seeing. I’m trying to access it using IP, not domain.
IP with port number - 3000. http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000.
Could see the nginx default page on standard http port 80 - http://xx.xx.xx.xx, but can’t see zammad page at port 3000.
I’ll attach the domain later.

Actual behavior:

  • Can’t see the zammad home page at port:3000 with IP.
    The port 3000 has been whitelisted already, but the Browser says refused to connect.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Is it work with domain name only? but not with IP?

Check your production.log.

Thanks @MrGeneration -

Production log, this is the continuous log

I, [2023-09-04T14:30:29.843049#121719-111540]  INFO -- : ProcessScheduledJobs running...
I, [2023-09-04T14:30:29.845049#121719-111540]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate 'Session' data.' ( status is: sleep
I, [2023-09-04T14:30:29.845173#121719-111540]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check 'Channel' streams.' ( status is: sleep
I, [2023-09-04T14:30:29.845364#121719-111540]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process ticket escalations.' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep

Zammad systemd service says - Main PID: 121717 (sleep).

[rocky@ip-10-0-2-220 zammad]$ sudo systemctl status zammad
● zammad.service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/zammad.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 09:07:10 UTC; 5h 23min ago
 Main PID: 121717 (sleep)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 22770)
   Memory: 160.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/zammad.service
           └─121717 /bin/sleep infinity

Sep 04 09:07:10 systemd[1]: zammad.service: Succeeded.
Sep 04 09:07:10 systemd[1]: Stopped zammad.service.
Sep 04 09:07:10 systemd[1]: Started zammad.service.
[rocky@ip-10-0-2-220 zammad]$

Remove the default vHost file and adjust the zammad.conf as needed.
Then reload nginx by using systemctl reload nginx and you should be able to access the Zammad WebUI via https. Please consider not using Port 80 (http) as sensitive information is being transferred.-

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