Zammad grafana template SLA

Used Zammad version: 5.0.3-1640164755.
Used Grafana Version: 8.3.3
Used Elasticsearch Version: 7.16.2
Used Zammad installation type: package
Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Browser + version: chrome

Expected behavior:

  • SLA shows “case solved in time” and “case solved violated”

Actual behavior:

  • no data shown

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • update to newest Zammad, elasticsearch and grafana version

merry christmas everyone,

i updated zammad and elasticsearch to the newest version and noticed that in grafana “case solved in time” and “case solved violated” doesnt show any data anymore.

i changed the value “closed_escalated_at” to “close_at” and now the data appear again. did someone else noticed this and is this the right way to fix this?

thanks and grretings

How is your SLA configured?


SLA looks like this:

and this how a escalated and closed ticket:

but it works with my change :wink: i just wanted to mention it

If close_escalation_at is not being set, this means your agents are not responding as the SLA expects it. close_at may not be suitable for SLA based reporting.

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