Zammad Grafana Dashboard


just have a look at Zammad Grafana Dashboard. I love it. Great job!

In my installation there are always more tickets created than closed in my dashboard.

After looking at the raw data, i found customer / agent creation is also included.
Added a customer.created_by_id > 0 to the query works for me.


Curious about this, where exactly in Grafana did you edit which query?

Im not really tough in Grafana, there are a lot of better ways, i guess.

Use the arrow down at panel ticket create / close rate and click on edit.
On the panel editor insert it like shown below.

I’ve checked and we seem not to have this issue in our system, the created_by_id’s are always non zero.

I’ve noticed in your screenshot that the data source is not named like ours, as described in Zammad’s Graphana documentation.

When looking at the same panel, I see these, maybe there is a small mistake in your configuration:

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