Zammad-elasticsearch 12 GB RAM?


  • Used Zammad version: 5.1.
  • Used Zammad installation type: docker-compose
  • Operating system: Ubuntu
  • Browser + version: Chrome

Expected behavior:

use less than 12 GB of RAM

Actual behavior:

238e8d9a3e36 zammad-elasticsearch 0.85% 12.5GiB / 23.54GiB
6971f200a212 zammad-backup 7.16% 3.812MiB / 23.54GiB
edbea33f4095 zammad-websocket 0.10% 164MiB / 23.54GiB
f2df61409f91 zammad-scheduler 0.01% 189.5MiB / 23.54GiB
255dd2648928 zammad-nginx 0.00% 6.023MiB / 23.54GiB
acc1b065903a zammad-railsserver 0.00% 240MiB / 23.54GiB
51cb8f281fba zammad-init 0.00% 0B / 0B
9c4ec9bebacd zammad-postgresql 0.03% 73.87MiB / 23.54GiB
674ea4ddecf3 zammad-memcached 0.05% 18.7MiB / 23.54GiB
fa424b3ca62b zammad-redis 0.13% 2.906MiB / 23.54GiB

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Start the container

Since Elasticsearch ~7.17 Elasticsearch takes 50% of your memory by default.
You can adjust this by configuring the heap size of it - the official elasticsearch documentation should help you - 1-2 GB memory should be reasonable enough.

In my tests you shouldn’t go below that.

Thanks for the response. Could you tell me where in the docker config I would go to adjust that?

No not really sorry. I believe you can set environment variables in docker and that should do the trick.

Just in case anyone else runs in to this issue the following in docker-compose should fix it:

      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m"

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