Zammad E-Mail Setup shows ‘LOGIN FAILED’

Hello the email was working, but after migrating my azure virtual machine to another subscription now I can’t set up the email feature again could you help me?

In the log files (Production.log), I have the following error:

INFO – : fetching imap (***.
ERROR – port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=false,auth_type=LOGIN)
Can’t use Channel::Driver::Imap: #<Net::IMAP::NoResponseError: LOGIN failed.>
ERROR – : LOGIN failed. (Net::IMAP::NoResponseError)

  • Used Zammad version: 5.2.3
  • Used Zammad installation type: Official
  • Operating system: Ubuntu Server 20.04
  • Browser + version: Google Choome Versión 107.0.5304.107

Expected behavior:

  • Setting up email inbound service as before

Actual behavior:

  • I can’t set up email inbound accound for fetching mails.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Migrate Azure Virtual Machine to another suscription

I’ve run into this issue as well.
O365 has its basic auth disabled, so you cannot run Zammad on LAN when using O365 account as incoming email server.
You need to configure a new channel, Microsoft 365. This way you will need public internet connection.

Any solution for this problem? I have not been able to configure the IMAP mail configuration, I get an authentication error.

As Bence said, configure a M365 modern auth account instead of a basic auth email account. These are two different channels.

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