Zammad dont create agent

Hi, i have install Zammad v3.4 in my Ubuntu Sever 20.04 with nginx postgresql and Office365 all work; i configure a agent in the section “Invite agents …” and i put the Name, Lastname and email for this account also select the profile “Agent” but dont send a email or notification for active this user


I probe with the option “Lost password” but nothing, someone can tell me where can I see the process of sending the emails

Just a small remark to this topic from my end:
What went wrong here was proberbly the email channel not being configured correctly.
This can cause Zammad not being able to send those mails.

You should be able to find this information within the production log file of Zammad.

Further information on notification channels can be found here:

Hi @MrGeneration i can’t create agent i put all as say the imagen and dont send email of confirmation. I use the option (Invite agents / colleagues to help work on tickets) but neither appear the check green.


But when i create manually this agent can receive and response tickets.

Please try again and provide your production logfile (/var/log/zammad).
Ensure to redact sensible information.

Thanks for you response, this is a problem with Notification Addresss. Thanks for all

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