Yeah. Isn’t there a possibility for rake to check if tables already exist? At least, it should be checked in my eyes.
Apart from that - editing that file solved the issue for me, so everyone else: changing one file to the following resolves the issue with the table “smime_certificates” for now. Please be aware to check if the table really exists with the values given in that file before you remove or edit it!
zammaduser$ vim db/migrate/20200121000001_smime_support.rb
zammaduser$ cat db/migrate/20200121000001_smime_support.rb
class SMIMESupport < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def up# return if it's a new setup return if !Setting.exists?(name: 'system_init_done') Setting.create_if_not_exists( title: 'S/MIME integration', name: 'smime_integration', area: 'Integration::Switch', description: 'Defines if S/MIME encryption is enabled or not.', options: { form: [ { display: '', null: true, name: 'smime_integration', tag: 'boolean', options: { true => 'yes', false => 'no', }, }, ], }, state: false, preferences: { prio: 1, authentication: true, permission: ['admin.integration'], }, frontend: true ) Setting.create_if_not_exists( title: 'S/MIME config', name: 'smime_config', area: 'Integration::SMIME', description: 'Defines the S/MIME config.', options: {}, state: {}, preferences: { prio: 2, permission: ['admin.integration'], }, frontend: true, ) Setting.create_if_not_exists( title: 'Defines postmaster filter.', name: '0016_postmaster_filter_smime', area: 'Postmaster::PreFilter', description: 'Defines postmaster filter to handle secure mailing.', options: {}, state: 'Channel::Filter::SecureMailing', frontend: false )
zammaduser$ vim db/migrate/20200121000001_smime_support.rb
zammaduser$ zammad run rake db:migrate --trace
…(working from now on)