Zabbix Integration - Received response with status code 422


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Browser + version: Brave, Chrome, Edge (all latest versions)

Expected behavior:

Ticket gets created by Zabbix webhook

Actual behavior:

Created a user in Zammad in valid mail address
Enabled API tokens
Created token access for new Zammad user with permission ticket.agent
Imported media_zammad.xml into Zabbix (5.0 LTS)
Added my mail address, token and the Zammad URL to media configuration
When testing media, I receive the following error:
00:00:00.000 [Debug] [ Zammad Webhook ] Sending request: {“title”:"{ALERT.SUBJECT}",“group”:“Users”,“article”:{“subject”:"{ALERT.SUBJECT}",“body”:"{ALERT.MESSAGE}",“type”:“note”,“internal”:false},“customer”:“”}

00:00:00.133 [Debug] [ Zammad Webhook ] Received response with status code 422: {“error”:“No lookup value found for ‘group’: “Users””,“error_human”:“No lookup value found for ‘group’: “Users””}

00:00:00.134 [Warning] [ Zammad Webhook ] ERROR: Request failed with status code 422 Check debug log for more information.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Manual test of Zabbix media type

This is the error you have to solve.
The media script of Zabbix by default posts into Zammads default group “users”.
If you renamed or removed it, this step will fail.

Adjust your media script to a fitting group.

Thanks, that did the trick. We imported our OTRS environment, so I did not know what the default groups were called

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