WhatsApp - Zammad Integration and set up


I have setup WhatsApp correctly on Meta Developer and have done the integration correctly. However I faced some issues while configuring and I’m not able to receive and messages on zammad.

I had already setup a WhatsApp Business App on my phone before I created the app on meta. While creating the app, it asked me delete my WA Business account so that it can be setup in Meta App. Is that how it is supposed to be? Anyway, I deleted on my phone and I was able to proceed with the setup successfully.

After I entered all the credentials in zammad, I was able to successfully integrate. However, when I tried to send a message to the WA number, I got a notice that this new number is not registered with WA. Do I have to register WA Business on my phone again?

I did register WA Business again but I received messages just like a normal WA message on the phone and noting received on zammad.

Can someone please help me where I went wrong? Is it because I did not enter my Credit Card?

Your help will be appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi @cdsc. We did it multiple times following the WhatsApp — Zammad Admin Documentation documentation.

Not sure what’s the issue with your account(s) etc.

And yes, it’s normal that you can use only WA-Business on your mobile device or with the WA-Business-Platform.

Normally you need to add your phone number to your related Meta Business Company Account.

I´m facing the same problems.
Did you ever get it to wrok @cdsc?

But what kind of errors at which place. Without more informations, it’s difficult to help.

There are no errors i can see in zammad. WhatsApp is setup in zammad with the correct number, but in whatsapp i got the notice that this number is not registered with WA.

I noticedthe phone number in whatsapp manager was pending, so i verified it follwing the answer in this post: facebook - How to register phone number in new Whatsapp Cloud API? - Stack Overflow.

Initially i set up the phone number duriing while doing the preparation according to the zammad how to and already verified it with a code.

I guess the second verification should not have been required?

Now the number is as a business account in whatsapp but the messages are not arriving in zammad.

i just read this part again, is a credit card required to be set up?

See my original answer on this kind of issue in this topic: