Whatsapp business API

as far as i know offers twilio only the whatsapp business api. but you could try an other provider e.g. https://websms.com

best regards

Smooch also has an api to whatsapp https://smooch.io/whatsapp/

Hmm, Smooch is interesting. Are you using it in another context?

We are focused on supporting free and open-source solutions when at all possible. Unfortunately, WhatsApp doesn’t make that easy.

I wanted to see if they could help integrate WA with Zammad but they don’t support Zammad at the moment…

Sure… the focus on open-source is the way forward! Have you thought about integrating FB Messenger at all?

Smooth sounds promissing, but I doubt that the prices they quote will be fitting for the broad community.
Don’t get me wrong, I can clearly understand why, because WhatsApp needs quite some ressources for that docker container to run.


What’s this about resources for Docker? Is WA some sort of bloatware on the server side? :smile:

I didn’t put too much time into it, as I read the technical docs I’ve had enough (aka. 16GB of RAM haha)

See: Erste Schritte - WhatsApp Business Platform On-Premises API - Dokumentation - Meta for Developers

I have no clue what this docker image is up to and if it really needs so much freaking power, but if it does, it’s insane. Next question would be if it is working for more than one “Zammad instance” or if some kind of “shared hosting” would work as well.

Crazy… this whole WA for business is kind of intriguing technically and from a business/pricing point of view… 16GB of ram for a docker image is either serious bloat or they anticipate huge volumes…

On the business side, it’ll be interesting to see how this rolls out this year. I’m in South Africa and one of the major banks had TV adverts showing WA integration for their customers but I’ve not heard anything else. Also, given the Smooch pricing, maybe WA have just mis-judged the market, but we’ll see…

Hi do you have any update about the Whatsapp integration o add-on?

We are very interested about that.

Thank you

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Our standing point did not change.
Currently there are no plans on an implementation.

If this does change, we will let you guys know here:

(Conversation is deactivated on porpuse)

Please keep voting the first post with an heart, this will help to determine the “need” and help us on fiddling priorities.

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Hi @ghido, we are looking for some solution also to link whatsapp business with zammad, it would be wonderful for everyone, does anyone know if there is any proposal to link whatsapp / telegram with zammad?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Zammad does support Telegram.
See: https://admin-docs.zammad.org/en/latest/channels-telegram.html

But we do not support Whatsapp. Again, there’s a feature request for it and no, we do not have a timeline.

If you want this feature like super bad, you’re always welcome for a custom development (commercial service). If you’re interested, just drop a mail to sales [at] zammad [dot] com

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Hello @n8fr8 is there any publication on the Signal for Zammad online already. I’d love to add it as a new channel insteed of Telegram. Thnx!

@evdass We’ve already implemented it and it is published online, available for anyone to integrate into their Zammad. It uses a bridge service we created called Sigarillo, which bridges Zammad and Signal.

However it required changing the Zammad code base. We have a Pull Request open to merge the changes into Zammad, but it hasn’t been reviewed by the core dev team yet.

Edit- and we have a similar solution in the works for WhatsApp, it is already in production on one deployment, but we’re stilling polishing it for release.


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Updating on @abelxluck post here:

We’ve released both our Signal and WhatsApp channel code for Zammad. As abel mentioned, there is a patch required for the integration with Zammad, which you can find above.

QuePasa is built on the same approach as we used with Signal, but for WhatsApp. While we have it working in production, it does take a little bit of finesse to get it setup. It is also very much 1.0, and we are looking for help debugging and improving it.

If anyone is interested, please contact me here, or you can find me directly as nathan@guardianproject.info or @n8fr8 in various places (twitter, keybase).

We are also looking to hire another developer to help us with our efforts building on Zammad, including the kind of channel integration efforts we have been posting about here. If you are interested or know someone who might have some spare cycles, please let me know.


I’m not sure how to “install” a package. I uploaded it to my own zammad instance and then: nothing. I only see the installed package, but no settings or everything…
I also don’t find a documentation.

An update on this:

We’ve implemented the Signal and Whatsapp channel as packages you can install via the Admin > Packages UI.

For questions and community support please do not contact Zammad or post on this forum.
Instead you can get support at: