Wait for close not closing tickets


  • Used Zammad version: Version 5.3.1-1673280162.a07ec54e.buster
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: debian
  • Browser + version: chrome 109

Expected behavior:

  • Tickets witch “Wait to Close” set should be closing at the set date/time

Actual behavior:

  • The tickets (randomly) staying in state wait to close, even if the time is up.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Setting a Ticket to “Wait for closing”

In this Example the ticket should be closed since 28.01.2023

Any errors in your logfile and monitoring?
Possibly your scheduler is not running cleanly.

You could also cross check by using:

zammad run rails r "p Scheduler.where(active: false).pluck(:name)"
That should return nothing.

Hi Marcel
Thanks for the reply. We found the switch under monitoring. Some planner tasks where stuck there and we were able to resolve it.
There are still some * Stuck data privacy task (ID 15) detected. Last update: 2021-01-19 13:31:35 UTC
left. Does this refer to DataPrivacy tasks never are cleaned up · Issue #4437 · zammad/zammad · GitHub?


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I’m afraid this has nothing to do with the issue.
This usually does fix itself within a small portion of time but may take hours in worst case if you’re removing a very heavy user with tons of tickets.