Update ticket Zammad with supplier's mail


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: debian 10 buster
  • Browser + version: chrome

Expected behavior:

  • Hi,
    I would like the automatic ticket management emails (creation, update, etc.) from my suppliers to be integrated into the tickets opened for my client on Zammad. To do this, I enter the Zammad ticket number in my supplier’s ticket.

Actual behavior:

  • It works perfectly if I send this from my personal email address (with exactly the same message), it does update the indicated ticket. But it doesn’t work if it’s an automatic email from my provider, which creates a new ticket.
    I don’t understand… :frowning:
    Thanks for your help
    Best regards.


Apart from the sender, what’s the difference of affected tickets? That might be key to the issue.
Also ensure that the subject and ticket title of the wrong routed ticket really contain the required information.

Your instance is outdated, we’re at 5.3.1 right now.


Thanks for your answer… the problem comes from the email from my supplier who added characters to the ticket number.
Best regards.

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