Trigger: Pending Till


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1-1722007696.43d58aa5.jammy
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 24.04
  • Browser + version: Google Chrome

Good afternoon,

We currently have a “Pending Till” trigger created that will delay the ticket for 2 days if an email is sent to the customer.
Is it possible to make this pending till work through the calendar?
So that for example weekend days are not counted in this 2 days delay.

We send a mail on Friday, the ticket should open back on Tuesday and not on Sunday.

Thanks in advance!

Current Trigger:


Doesn’t anyone have a solution for this?

Hello, I am not sure if this works, but could you please provide your calendar configuration?

Maybe if you disable Saturday and Sunday you would be able to avoid the relative days to count weekend days.


Thanks for the feedback!
But Saturday & Sunday are already eliminated. :frowning: