Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) package
Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Browser + version: Chrome, Edge, Firefox - Latest
Expected behavior:
Set up an auto reply trigger to send out an email if a customer has not responded to the agent if last contact of agent is 4 days. This should only happen once as I have a second trigger set to auto close waiting tickets if no contact from customer hits 7 days.
Actual behavior:
Does not send out an auto reply email unless ticket is updated, and last contact is of 4 days or more.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Setting up a trigger like this: (state is set to a custom state named “waiting”)
Create a reply to a customer, set state to waiting, wait 4 days
Doesn’t send email, updating ticket to state other than waiting and then back to waiting will trigger
(Changing “activated by” to all possible configurations does not seem to change outcome)
I’ve searched the forum and internet for solutions. Information found is usually outdated with older versions of Zammad being used and/or doesn’t seem to work for me.
Hi @lsimmons. I am not an expert on triggers, but Activated by = Time event is definitely wrong.
Maybe you need to use a scheduler for this at all. Just use the same conditions, but I guess you need another object attribute to make sure it gets fired only once.
Hi @fliebe92
I have tried using the Activated By option: Action > Selective, and Action > Always with no success either. Time Event is equal to Always per documentation here: How do they work? — Zammad documentation
Any idea on what object attribute/variable could be used or created on the scheduled events? I’d like to avoid using tags to specify if possible. Thank you!
Your scenario does not activate a trigger. You’ll either need to find one of the activators above to happen when you want the reminder to be sent or use schedulers instead.
Thank you for the clarification on triggers and their respective activators!
If I would want to use schedulers, what is the best way I can ensure that the scheduled event only runs once on said ticket? I’d like to avoid using tags to specify if possible.
I would ideally like the schedule to send an email ONCE to a customer on the ticket if it has been 4 relative days of no contact since the last update by an agent. Followed by another schedule or trigger to close after an additional 3 relative days of still no contact.
I do this using scheduler. Works great. I have it setup to remind the customer that if they have an update please provide it, then I set the ticket to go to pending close. For us we have it setup that if no activity on the ticket for two days, it will send a notice and set the ticket to pending close in set days. Adjust as you see fit.
This only applies to tickets that are set to ‘Pending Client’. In our situation, we set a ticket to pending client when we are awaiting a response from them. This schedule will look to see if the ticket has been pending client for 2 days, and the ticket has not been updated for 2+ days. Then it emails the customer and changes the status to pending close.