Used Zammad version: 5.4.0-1680612797.66e35235.focal
Used Zammad installation type: package
Operating system: Ubuntu
Browser + version: multiple, but all latest
Expected behavior:
Rule works as shown (but if i have it wrong, the logic i want is:
ticket state NEW AND From specific sender AND text body DOES NOT contain Phrase A OR Phrase B OR Phrase C THEN DO abc
I guess like below:
IF (State == New & From == person & body !== (phrase A | Phrase B | Phrase C))
Then (DO == abc)
Actual behavior:
it ignores the body contains not part and fires off the output actions
if i send an email in as the someone, with phrase A / B / C, then the trigger still executes its output. Am i just a total potato and making this wrong?
I’m not exactly clear as to what you are attempting to do. If I understand correctly, you want Zammad to respond differently to different phrases. If you receive an email and it contains ‘Phrase A’ anywhere in the body of that email, then proceed with action 1. If it contains phrase b, proceed with action 2.
I think Email / Filter is best for this. If I understand you correctly.
no, i want it to NOT execute the trigger if any of those phrases is contained within the body of the email.
We are investigating the move to V6, however there are some possible breaking changes that need to be carefully evaluated before we can. And i dont think that this is an issue resolved by V6.
There is only 1 output / action that it executes. But there is a multitude of possible inputs that i want it to not execute if they are present.