April 8, 2023, 4:46pm
Hello, I’m using zammad verison 5.2. Installed via Docker-compose on Debian 11.
All work just fine except I can’t find where to translate newly created priority. I found this solution here, but it doesn’t work for me:
Translation.create_if_not_exists( :locale => 'de-de', :source => "4 critical", :target => "4 kritisch", format: 'string', created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1 )
After I type this commadn I recive this message:
/usr/local/bundle/gems/composite_primary_keys-13.0.7/lib/composite_primary_keys/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb:14:in `_assign_attribute': unknown attribute 'format' for Translation. (ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError)
raise UnknownAttributeError.new(self, k)
I tried to watch what’s inside this file or is there attribute like “format”, but I don’t understand a lot of it.
I also found that if I delete "format: ‘string’ ", I’ll recive “translation created”, but It still don’t appear in zammad as translated priority, nither in “translate” window
I have no idea where you have that command from - it’s outdated since over a year by now.
Consult the documentation, please.
zammad verison 5.2
You’re prune to security issues, we’re at Zammad 5.4.1 consider upgrading asap.
April 21, 2023, 6:25am
Hi, I upgraded zammad but translations still don’t work for me. Here’s command that I wrote and answer to this command
irb(main):003:0> Translation.create_if_not_exists(:locale => 'ru-ru', :source => "4 critical", :target => "4 (Критический)", created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1)
id: 136657,
locale: "ru-ru",
source: "4 critical",
target: "4 (Критический)",
target_initial: "4 (Критический)",
is_synchronized_from_codebase: false,
synchronized_from_translation_file: nil,
updated_by_id: 1,
created_by_id: 1,
created_at: Sat, 08 Apr 2023 12:18:26.621000000 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Sat, 08 Apr 2023 12:18:26.621000000 UTC +00:00>
but as you can see here, translation didn’t happen.
IDK what to do
Did you reload the web app after changing the translation?
If not that’s the issue.
May 3, 2024, 1:36pm
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