This could be solved if there was simply the possibility to use action “accounted time” in triggers.
We need this in many situations:
Creating a ticket by ourselves should add 5 Minutes
Answering a Mail should add 5 Minutes
I would like to be apple to send a mail from outlook to the ticket with a keyword like “++10m” to add 10 Minutes to the ticket without opening it. We already use this to close ticket by keyword “ticket-close” and a trigger that closes the ticket wenn an agent answers “ticket-close”. Ideal for Spam or self-solved Tickets.
We also need the accounted time value for overview.
We have overviews for Tickets that have to be billed.
Sometimes, we have set the self created field “billable=yes”, but the accounted time is zero.
Those tickets should not be visible in the “billable” overview.
I would like to support this feature request. It seems logical to be able to account time for the initial creation of a ticket.
When answering phone calls, there are no follow-ups, in most of my cases.