I know, but this is the internal ticket id, not known to our external system. So we need open the detail page via a url with the public ticket id. This brings up the origin problem.
There is no such thing like “internal” and “external” ticket id.
You may want to stop to mix terminologies.
I’m stopping at this point.
Why you don’t use the search box to search for the ticket number?
When you ensure, that the numbers always match, then for what do you need two numbers?
Make an API-Request, that searches for the ticket with the given ticket number, get the ticket id from the request result and then call the URL with the ticket id from the result to get the detail view of the ticket. I’m sure, this can be done in an external application.
OK then I can understand your point that urlid has not link with ticketid (which is not user friendly and not the case for tools like github, gitlab,… btw)
But then the bug is that: when I do a search for example 6389 , Zammad will not find ticket 776389, but the ticket with url id 6389…at least Zammad should find both.
Just wildly guessing, you’re hitting known search hard limits (10 or 50 depending on the UI part).
It does work, you can find the ticket by it’s id and number
You can also run specific searches for specific attributes:
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