Ticket timestamp gets not set


If you are a Zammad Support or hosted customer and experience a technical issue, please refer to: support@zammad.com using your zammad-hostname / or company contract.

  • Used Zammad version: 2.7
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) source
  • Operating system: debian
  • Browser + version: any

Expected behavior:

  • The imported ticket should have the configured timestamp

Actual behavior:

  • The imported ticket has the current timestamp

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Create a ticket with a timestamp which is in the past
  • You will see that the timestamp is ignored. Instead the ticket timestamp will be the current timestamp

That actually works as designed (as far as I know).
You will see that Outlook (on IMAP and POP3) and Exchange will normally do the same (they set the received date, but I might be outdated here).

Zammad sets the fetched date, personally I don’t think that this is bad, since otherwise SLAs might turn bad before you imported the Mails (for whatever reason).


we created an object for the api to create a ticket article for an existing ticket:

As you can see, we set the created_at and updated_at value.

When creating the ticket article through the api, the returned object looks like this:

As you can see, the updated_at and created_at value got overwritten with the current datetime offset.

Are we missing something? Thank you very much for your help.

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