Ticket Customer seemingly sometimes set by the "to" field of the email instead of the "from" field of an email


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1-1724158105.5c71daf2.bookworm
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

Possibly relevant background information: Almost all of my tickets are created via email. People send an email to zammad@myorg, and then a ticket shows up from that person in Zammad - what the person wrote on the email shows up as the first “Article” on the ticket, the subject line is the title of the ticket, etc., if I’m using the correct terminology here.

Some of the time, let’s say Joe Blow creates a ticket, (email address joeblow@myorg), when I go to view the ticket, the customer that the ticket says it is from in the Zammad UI is “Zammad” (email address zammad@myorg) instead of Joe.

I can click on it and change the customer (when I notice it happening) but it doesn’t happen all of the time, it doesn’t happen regularly to the same person, and sometimes multiple tickets from the same person in the same day will be from Joe, and others are from Zammad.

I suppose I’m wondering why this is happening, and what I should be doing for this to not be happening.

Expected behavior:

  • Tickets having the “Customer” set to who created the ticket all of the time.

Actual behavior:

  • Tickets having the “Customer” set to who created the ticket most of the time.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Let people create tickets.


I don’t want to bump my own thread but I couldn’t find the edit button, maybe it’s a timer based thing where you have X seconds to edit, but wanted to add in case it’s useful to find the cause of this I had another one come in with the email address the ticket is sent to to create the ticket set as the customer who created the ticket, instead of the end user who sent the email to create the ticket.

If there’s some log somewhere that would list “this incoming email with zammad@myorg in the ‘to’ field, and enduser@myorg in the ‘from’ field was initially set to being created by zammad@myorg instead of enduser@myorg, and here’s why” I’d be happy to find and attach it in case something jumps out at someone about why my tickets are (again, only some of the time, not all of the time) created by the customer “Service account that only receives mail to create tickets in Zammad” vs “end user who sent the email to create the ticket”

Hello Travis,

As far as I have experienced the behavior is the following:

  • When a ticket is created sending an email, the email sender would be the customer.
  • When a ticket is created on Zammad UI, even while using the Send Email option, the customer would be the one receiving the email.

This is what i’ve experienced, in case you are receiving a wrong customer on the first option i am not sure what could be happening. Maybe you could check on the “History” of the ticket for more information:


And that is exactly my Zammad instances “usually” behavior, but it isn’t my “always” behavior.

Let’s say I send emails repeatedly to zammad@myorg, the mailbox used by Zammad to monitor it for mail, from joeblow@myorg, a randomly selected end user.

Each email will successfully create a ticket, but sometimes the “Customer” of the ticket will be the end user sending the email, and rarely the customer will be the zammad@myorg mailbox the end user sent a message to to create the ticket.

The ticket history shows the ticket creation emails being sent to the end user most of the time, but shows them being sent to zammad@myorg some of the time, which are the tickets the correlate with having the “wrong” customer. Nothing is being done differently on the end user side when they create these, but I’ve attached a screenshot from “H person” and “C person”, with the rest of their name cropped. Both of them are just sending an email to zammad@myorg, but some of the time, the “Customer” is “Zammad” instead of the end user that created the ticket, and I’m having absolutely no idea why.

end user sending the email in blue, help desk responders in green, the service account Zammad uses that people send mail to to create a ticket in red.

edit: I did just think of something “different” between “C person” and “H person”, “H person” is always only an end user, but “C person” will be both creating tickets as an end user, but will also be working on tickets (in a different group that they will not be creating tickets in as an end user) as an agent.

Let’s say “C person” is a marketing department person who responds to and works on tickets in the “Marketing” group, but will also be creating tickets as an end user to be worked on and responded to by agents from the “IT” group.

edit 2:
reviewing all of my “sometimes it’s the wrong customer” instances, every time that this happens it’s from someone who could be an agent in one group, but is not an agent in the group in which they are creating tickets, and even then, it only has the wrong “Customer” some of the time.