The variable state of the ticket is displayed in english instead of frensh


  • Used Zammad version: V3.6
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) : package
  • Operating system: Centos7
  • Browser + version: Firefox/chrome

Expected behavior:

  • when I send an email to customer via trigger the state of ticket should be translated in french #{})

Actual behavior:

  • when I send an email to customer via trigger the state of ticket is displayed in english #{})
    how to change it?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • ceate a trigger that send an email on state change
  • in the subject write : L’état de ticket (#{config.ticket_hook}#{ticket.number}) intitulé (#{ticket.title}) a changé vers #{})
  • the state of ticket is displayed in english

Is your system language set to French as well?

Thank you for the response,

yes the system language is set to french

Zammad states and internal information are english.
These strings are translated by the webapp - Zammad has no way to know what language it should to your user and thus uses english. It’s referenced and thus can’t differentiate.

It’s simply not possible in Zammad and would be a feature request.

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