Systemd service units update

During my boot on Debian 12 with Zammad 6.3.1 I can see following messages in journald:

Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-worker-1.service:10: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.
Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-worker-1.service:11: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.
Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-websocket-1.service:10: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.
Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-websocket-1.service:11: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.
Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-web-1.service:10: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.
Jul 19 01:26:41 support systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/zammad-web-1.service:11: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether.

After a short look to those unit files, I can see old and obsolete entries:


Those entries should be removed. Nowadays all systems should support journald.

Thank Sven

Hi Zammad-Team,

I think, this is not a technical assistance topic. This is a topic for development. Systemd-Units need to be updated to match the settings for systemd. All supported distributions are using systemd and support it.

I would do a merge request, if I could find the files in your repository. Perhaps you can give me a hint.

Thank you Sven

Hi @sven-ruess. You mean this files, right?

Hi @fliebe92,

yes I mean those files. That I have found. But I am missing the files with -1 in the name. Will those files created dynamically? Are those files obsolete and would not be used in future?

Best regards

Hi @sven-ruess. I have no idea, sorry. Maybe they are created on-the-fly.

Hi @fliebe92,

I haved grepped and searched all files. But was unable to find the correct place. So I have created this topic. Perhaps you can pass it back to development. There it should be correctly addressed.

Thank you Sven

This is a forum to help users with their Zammad problems. It is not an issue tracker. Your topic is not really a feature request, not exactly a bug either. Still, I believe it belongs to GitHub - zammad/zammad: Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system - there you can also do the contribution you’d like to do (which we’re thankful for!).

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Hi @sven-ruess. We are not sure where it comes from, maybe is applying some defaults when creating the files for systemd. We got in touch with the maintainer of to ask if this could be changed at all. Stay tuned.

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Hi @MrGeneration and @fliebe92,

thank you very much for your replies. I was unsure were to put this information. In future, I will create a issue on github for those requests.

I will wait for your response. If I can do something more, please let me known.

Have a good weekend

Hi @sven-ruess. We got some feedback of the maintainer of, he will drop the outdated/deprecated entries in the service files. It should be effective with some of the next package builds.

Hi @fliebe92,

thank you for your feedback and the updated systemd units. I am really happy about it and will wait for the next update.

Thank you very much and have a good weekend