[solved] SLA Timer: Tickets get wrong timers


If you are a Zammad Support or hosted customer and experience a technical issue, please refer to: support@zammad.com using your zammad-hostname / or company contract.

  • Used Zammad version: 2.9
  • Used Zammad installation source: packager.io
  • Operating system: ubuntu 18.04.2 lts
  • Browser + version: Chrome

Expected behavior:

  • Ticket should not escalate

Actual behavior:

  • Ticket is escalating

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

I’ve set the SLA timers to 24 hours for first reply and 168 hours (one week) for an update. A thrid timer for ticket solving is not set.

So, if I update a ticket, the escalation-timer should reset to 168 hours. But my tickets are escalating and I don’t know why.

In my experience I had to restart my zammad services one time for old pre SLA existing tickets in order to get my SLA to calculate the correct escalation times

I restartet zammad and I restartet my whole ubuntu server after doing upgrades. I also checked the date an time settings in ubuntu. Ubuntu shows me the correct NTP time in the correct timezone “Europe/Berlin”.

So I did another test:

  1. checked the SLA timer settings and saved it again.

  2. created a ticket “received call”

  3. Checked the ticket SLA timer. Timer is wrong: It should be 23 hours an 59 minutes. It is 7 days and 24 hours.

  4. Answerd via Mail:

  5. Checkd the ticket timers again. Should be 7 days. It is 33 days!

Can you please provide the configuration of your calendar Germany_1 - Europe/Berlin ?

This is my calender Config

Seems no one can help me. Maybe I should migrate do Debian or SUSE instead ob Ubuntu.

From what it looks the answer lies in your calendar and holiday configuration.

SLAs only account for hours that are actual working hours and in your case there are the Karnevalstage in between. At least I believe they were according to the date when your original question has been posted.

So the 24hours defined in your SLA are 24h working hours. While the 7 days 23h are the actual point in time when the ticket will escalate. In your case there is a “very short friday and a 5 day weekend”. :wink:

Another extreme example would be a ticket created friday afternoon 10min before end of business. Even with an SLA of 30 min for the 1st answer you would see ticket as "escalating in 2 days + some hours "

For your case you would need to define an “always working” calenda that does not respect weekends or working hours i.e. 00:00 to 00:00 working hours.

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Thank you a lot @aelsing! Now I have set the SLA Update Timer to 45 hours, because 45 hours is the summary of one business week. Now I get the correct timers.

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