[solved] NGINX Connection Limit

Good Day,

To All,

Please allow me to ask question regarding Nginx configuration for zammad
I want to enable to nginx that every connection have only 9hrs and need to log in again to continue the session. configuration that not compromise the zammad system

This is to prevent if someone left the computer on and log in to the zammad.

Or zammad have own default features like what i want to configure in nginx?

Thank You and More power

Maybe @thorsteneckel or @martini can help regarding a rails command.
This is not a nginx setting for sure.

That’s currently not possible. The session lifetime is set to 1 year if the remember me flag is set:

Other from that the session won’t expire unless you close your browser session. This is party caused by the ongoing connection with the server (Websocket -> fetch data) for example for fetching the overviews and other data.

Thank you for your assistance Sir @MrGeneration and Sir @thorsteneckel

God Bless and More Power

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