Show group, owner and prio in customer tickets


  • Used Zammad version: 6.0.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: 20.04
  • Browser + version: Microsft Edge 114

Expected behavior:

The customer should see in which group the ticket is placed. In the overview the group is visible. The same with the actual agent and the prio.

Actual behavior:

In the overview the customer can see the group, the owner and priority but when the customer opens the ticket this information are not visible in the right sidebar

Is the correct?


Open the ticket:

Is that right or can i configure that?
I can’t find an information in the docs.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

You can show or hide fields based on other fields in a few locations. I mostly use core workflows because they are awesome and granular and seem to override some things. You could try that, otherwise youd be looking at changing some of the object attributes in rails I think, and I dont recall what you’d be looking for. Also, any time you did an update I think it would overwrite those changes.

Besides of AidanA’s answer, another reason could be that the customer can only select one group due to the web channel configuration. If that’s the case, Zammad automatically hides the group field because it’s useless to have exactly one selection.

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