Short description for time accounting entries

Title: Export Topic Content for the new time accounting feature

What is the idea or pain point:
With the new time accounting feature (different time types) it would be possible to use the ticket system for billing different customer. for now i use an self writen script that exports the time table and looks if there was an creation of an topic 5 seconds ago. that isnt ideal. it would be way nicer when the export function could export an short description what was done, as this is needed when u wanna bill an customer (as u are legal obligated to explain what u done).
Here is my script:
unclesam87/zammad_time_export: Python script to export times from zammad (


@unclesam87 thanks for bringing up this topic. To be on the same page, the problem is that currently during adding a time accounting entry when creating an article it’s not possible beside the unit (and the new type) to add a description for the time accounting entry?

Actually, I would love to see a feature to add custom attributes to articles in the object manager (and core workflows), besides the current 4 different object types. This could also solve this request.

yes and i did a small hack where i use the notes as an discription and then export them via that script when there like 5 seconds before or after an time entry was made for that ticket (and accounting is only activated on notes)

like when u want to use that time accounting system for billing u need an actual discription what u did (or at least in germany u need that) - so with adding that kind of future u could actucaly use zammad as an real work tracking tool - especially when there would be different types of times (like traveling to the customer, after hours and so on).

@YetAnotherGerrit but would that allow to add for one ticket several differnent time entrys? because we often have customers with several tasks done in one ticket

1 ticket has n articles. So a ticket attribute would be 1 per ticket. An article attribute would be 1 per article = n per ticket.

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that would be awesome on so many levels!

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it their any news about this development?

We generally do not provide any ETAs or promises.